Hunting Supplies Needed For Preppers


Outdoor survival is a deep and complex practice, with many ways to participate. Of course, hunting is one of the best methods for acquiring food. Whether you’re an experienced hunter or novice prepper, this list should provide the top 16 hunting supplies needed for preppers

1. Shotgun Ammo

Shotguns are a favorite weapon among many preppers, and for good reason: they’re versatile and quite effective at close range. The following bullets are some common types of shotgun ammunition for various hunting purposes, such as hunting deer and rabbits. For bucks, shotguns can be a decent choice as long as you have enough ammunition to kill that animal before it runs away. Always have a quantity of shotgun ammo on hand to make sure you don’t miss when the time comes.

2. Bow and Arrow

A bow and arrow isn’t always the best choice for hunting, especially if you’re just starting out as a prepper. However, a bow is an excellent weapon for picking off animals at long distance, such as deer and rabbits. Hunting with a bow will allow you to use stealth tactics powered by your own strength to eliminate your prey before they can run away.

3. Shotgun Cartridge

Shotguns are a big crowd favorite, which is why it’s wise to keep some of your favorite types of ammo on hand. You only need one of these rounds once every 5-10 years, but they’re worth carrying at all times; they help you build an effective supply for when you’re ready to use your favorite weapon.

4. Cleaning Kit

Hunting can be grueling and tiring, especially if the weather isn’t your friend that day. If you’re out in nature, you’ll need to make sure all the grime, blood and other gunk is cleaned off your weapon to prevent rusting.

5. A Compass

You may never know what direction you’re heading in, which can be a problem when you’re trying to find your way back home. A compass will help you easily navigate throughout the wilderness, which is a big advantage when hunting in unfamiliar territory. When combined with paper maps and GPS, survival compasses are an excellent tool for outdoor survivalists.

6. Knife

A knife is definitely one of the most basic and useful items for a prepper to have, no matter what type of prepper you are. No matter if you like to hunt or not, having a knife on hand will help you around the house and in the yard, as well as when you venture outside in the wild. Also, a good knife can open food packages and cut rope; it makes a very versatile tool with many uses.

7. Hand Saw

A woodworking tool is a must if you’re into hunting, since many animals can be hunted with their hide. Using a hand saw to cut the animal’s hide can help you make your own hunting rifle and continue to hunt with the skin you have. If you prefer to not hunt, this will be a useful item for building things in your house.

8. Antiseptic Wipes

In order to save some of your valuable animal skins, you’ll need to clean them after skinning them. Keep a pack of antiseptic wipes in your bag so you can properly clean any animal meat before cooking it.

9. A Skinning Knife or Multitool

Cleaning the animal skin is quite important and can be difficult with just a string. Skinning knives are designed to make prepping your game easier and faster; plus, they’re usually very durable, so you won’t have to worry about breaking it as soon as you pull it out of the box.

10. Fire starter

Most of the animals you’ll be hunting with are going to be dead before they run away. It’s still important to get them cooked and cooked quickly, and a fire starter will come in handy. You can use it to start a fire quickly, which can help you cook your game more quickly and efficiently.

11. First aid kit

Even if you’re in the middle of nowhere and there’s no one around to help you, it’s important to be prepared. Having a first aid kit will help in case you run into any issues while hunting animals. You can always take care of your wounds, stop bleeding and keep yourself safe on the hunt with a first aid kit.

12. Survival Knife

Just like a normal knife, a survival knife can be used for many different things. It can be used to protect yourself while hunting, or maybe you just want it as a one-of-a-kind decorative piece.

13. Survival Whistle

Whistles are extremely useful when you’re out in the wild. Whether you’re trying to call a friend or call for help during an emergency, having a whistle is a huge advantage over not having one at all.

14. A flashlight.

Hunting can be a very exhausting, tiring process. At dusk, night or even in a cave during a storm, the darkness can really obscure your vision and make it difficult to see your prey. A flashlight will help you see everything clearly in any time of day or night while you’re hunting.

With an entourage of useful items at your disposal, prepping for hunting will be much easier and more effective.

15. Sleeping Bag

Even if you’re a prepper who likes to rough it out in the wilderness, you’ll probably want a sleeping bag on hand. A sleeping bag is essential for safety, especially if it’s cold out and starting to get dark. If you’re going to be hunting in the wild, you should definitely invest in a quality sleeping bag, since getting attacked by animals is always a possibility.

16. Sunglasses

Sunglasses are another important item for preppers to have, especially if you’re going to be hunting during a sunny day. You’ll need two pairs of sunglasses – one pair for the daytime and one pair for night, since your nighttime sunglasses will block out light from the sun. A good pair of sunglasses will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays, which can help you spot animals from a greater distance.


A lot of these items may seem like basic needs, but when you’re on the go and trying to survive, these supplies are going to come in handy every single day. In the end, these are the 16 supplies you need to survive in the wild; don’t forget them and take them with you.